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Spring 2.0

Llagas Creek Loop Trail. Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve.

As a nature photographer, Spring is my favorite time of year. Wildflowers are blooming, there are signs of new wildlife, trees are starting to bud, and there is a feeling of rejuvenation. I called the title of my blog post Spring 2.0 because last March was when the pandemic changed all of our lives. I spent most of the year in self-isolation. Even though I used that time to write and publish a book, I still missed being out on the trail and enjoying the warm embrace of mother nature.

With the State and Counties starting to relax COVID restrictions and distributing vaccines to everyone, I feel safe enough to start venturing out more often and beyond Santa Clara County.

A few weeks ago, the weather was warm enough for me to do my first hike of the year. No more than five minutes on the trail, I felt my shoulders, back, and arms start to relax. All that stress and tension that had been locked inside my muscles and joints for months was finally able to let go. Other hikers on the trail also seemed to be just as energized. There were many smiles, a few hellos, and other pleasant comments as they passed by me. Once again, I was reminded of the health benefits of being outdoors and communing with nature.

Coyote Creek Parkway - Santa Clara County Parks

I am celebrating 2021 by going to hiking trails I haven't been to before. I will also be posting reviews, photographs, and videos for each one.

Look for my review of Los Gatos Creek Trail in June.

“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.”

Henry David Thoreau

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